Process List Activity Sheet

Learners are to complete the following:

  1. Consider the CONSOLE OUPUT from Volatility Framework below after executing the pslist plugin on the captured memory image.

  2. Spend 15 minutes considering, researching and investigating each of the processes. Learners should complete the PROCESS LIST TABLE below as the information will be valuable in subsequent activities.

  3. After time has elapsed, self-organise into pairs with another learner.

  4. Spend 10 minutes with your partner comparing research of processes, sharing insights as well as debating any misconceptions.

Process List Table

Process Identification (PID) Parent Process Identification (PPID) Process Name Long Process Name Notes
1484 1464 Explorer.exe Windows Explorer Responsible for managing interaction with individual user, has access to several sensitive systems areas (such as files) and there is typically one process for each authenticated system user.
... ... ... ... ...

Console Output

Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
Offset(V)  Name                    PID   PPID   Thds     Hnds   Sess                    
---------- -------------------- ------ ------ ------ -------- ------
0x823c89c8 System                    4      0     53      240 ------                                                              
0x822f1020 smss.exe                368      4      3       19 ------                                     
0x822a0598 csrss.exe               584    368      9      326      0                                    
0x82298700 winlogon.exe            608    368     23      519      0                                 
0x81e2ab28 services.exe            652    608     16      243      0                                     
0x81e2a3b8 lsass.exe               664    608     24      330      0                                    
0x82311360 svchost.exe             824    652     20      194      0                                    
0x81e29ab8 svchost.exe             908    652      9      226      0                                    
0x823001d0 svchost.exe            1004    652     64     1118      0                                    
0x821dfda0 svchost.exe            1056    652      5       60      0                                    
0x82295650 svchost.exe            1220    652     15      197      0                                   
0x821dea70 explorer.exe           1484   1464     17      415      0                                    
0x81eb17b8 spoolsv.exe            1512    652     14      113      0                                    
0x81e7bda0 reader_sl.exe          1640   1484      5       39      0                     
0x820e8da0 alg.exe                 788    652      7      104      0                                 
0x821fcda0 wuauclt.exe            1136   1004      8      173      0                                     
0x8205bda0 wuauclt.exe            1588   1004      5      132      0