Responsibilities In The Cloud Activity Sheet

The present activity is designed to afford an opportunity to consider the different layers within a cloud computing environment and how these are arranged. Furthermore, the activity is also provides the opportunity to consider who is responsible for each layer from the perspective of client and provider for a given service model.


The expectations for this task are that:

  1. Learners should reflect on material provided by the instructor or lecturer on cloud service providers, that is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

  2. Use the scissors to cut-out the images of the layer so that they can be arranged and positioned physically on the table. Alternatively, sticky notes with handwritten layer names can be used.

  3. The typical LAYERS (without responsibilities) for a cloud computing service provider are provided. Learners should FIVE minutes organising these layers to represent a typical cloud computing environment. For example: if you think would be the closet layer to the physical metal, you would put that layer first and then add subsequent layers.

  4. After time has elapsed, self-organise into pairs and share your arrangement with your partner. Spend FIVE minutes discussing any differences or agreements in arrangements. Pairs are required to agree the same arrangement.

  5. The instructor or lecturer will ask pairs to report back on their agreed cloud computing arrangement.

  6. The instructor or lecturer will advise of the optimal arrangement and the significance of each layer in the cloud computing environment.

  7. Learners should now on their own, consider the different responsibilities of clients and cloud service providers for the different service models.

  8. Learners will spend 15 minutes considering the responsibilities of client and cloud service providers for each of the service models before spending 5 minutes sharing arrangements with a peer in the class. The instructor or lecturer will advise when learners should move to consider each service model.

  9. Spend FIVE minutes consider the responsibilities of client and providers for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

  10. After time has elapsed, spend FIVE minutes consider the responsibilities of client and providers for Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS).

  11. After time has elapsed, spend FIVE minutes consider the responsibilities of client and providers for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

  12. The instructor or lecturer will advise after time has elapsed that learners should to self-organise into pairs, opting for a partner that is different from the previous pairing.

  13. Pairs should spend FIVE minutes sharing and refining their perception of who is responsible for each of the service models.

  14. The instructor or lecturer will ask pairs to report back on their agreed cloud computing arrangement.

  15. The instructor or lecturer will permit space for questions and discussion around the activity.

Layers (without responsibilities)

Layer Description Layer Image
Middleware image
Operating System image
Data image
Hardware image
Virtualisation image
Runtime image
Application image

Layers (with responsibilities)

Layer Description Responsibility Layer Image
Virtualisation Customer image
Virtualisation Provider image
Hardware Customer image
Hardware Provider image
Middleware Customer image
Middleware Provider image
Application Customer image
Application Provider image
Runtime Customer image
Runtime Provider image
Operating System Customer image
Operating System Provider image
Data Customer image
Data Provider image
