Fiola Case Log file (redacted)

Loehrs & Associates produced a preliminary examination report of forensics examination (PDF). An excerpt of the report has been provided below that was compiled by the examiner. The analysis log has been redacted to remove references to Trojans etc to support the activity.

Date Timestamp Description
26/10/06 21:02:21 Link file created to the 40 cent mile sheet
26/10/06 21:20:18 Vision Appraisal Technology website visited
26/10/06 21:28:17 Massachusetts Municipal Association website visited
26/10/06 22:49:36 Microsoft Word accessed
26/10/06 23:02:39 Fox News website accessed
27/10/06 10:39:31 Worcester website is accessed
27/10/06 01:40:28 Restore point .ini files
27/10/06 02:22:19 smp[1].htm file appears, no page is visible but the html indicates the content is child pornorgraphy; no searches or other Internet activity occur prior to this page.
27/10/06 02:24:02 KIDZINDEX1.htm appears – this page could not be viewed but the underlying html language shows it’s a child pornography site – TOPKDS LOLITA BBS
27/10/06 02:24:03 sp[2] and popu.zaipal files appear again.
06/12/06 07:27:57 Restore Point .que files
06/12/06 13:31:28 Load[1].htm is a website file that simply shows “loading...”; unknown website or origin
06/12/06 14:04:44 Pornographic images appear with no origin and continue for approximately 44 minutes˜
06/12/06 14:48:58 Pornographic activity ends
07/12/06 09:04:30 Websites accessed including weather and Worcester
07/12/06 09:10:15 Pornographic images appear with no origin and continue for approximately 50 minutes
07/12/06 10:00:21 END ACTIVITY
07/12/06 12:37:36 Restore Point .que files
07/12/06 12:43:48 4 desktop.ini files created
07/12/06 12:46:30 2 unknown htm files appear – CAMXA327.htm and CAA99IRH.htm
07/12/06 12:53:10 Pornographic images appear with no origin and continue for approximately 20 minutes
07/12/06 13:13:40 Pornographic images end
07/12/06 14:01:06 Restore point.que files
07/12/06 14:21:39 Pornographic images appear again with no origin and continue for approximately 30 minutes index[8]8.htm file – Preteen and Teen Models HQ Sites Collection – also contains downloader because page pops out of forensic software; several more downloaders appear before activity ends
07/12/06 14:43:27 Symantec log reports Bloodhound.Exploit.95
07/12/06 14:43:38
07/12/06 14:47:44 Pornographic activity ends
07/12/06 14:50:21 Restore Point .que files
11/12/06 11:36:52 Restore Point .que file
11/12/06 13:59:08 Restore Point .que files
11/12/06 14:13:08 GGGD.tmp
11/12/06 14:13:18 Googletoolbardownloader_EN prefetch file
11/12/06 14:13:21 GGGD.tmp prefetch file
11/12/06 14:15:24 Two unknown html files appear – CA65EDMT.htm and CAQZ0DIR.htm; pornographic images appear and continue for approximately 30 minutes
11/12/06 14:48:58 file
11/12/06 14:48:58 Sweet-young.htm file appears – this file popped out of the forensic software and caused my forensic computer to freeze and I had to shutdown and reboot – this is the end of pornographic activity for this date.
11/12/06 14:49:02 Dr. Watson is loaded indicating problem with the computer
11/12/06 14:54:12 Restore Point .que files
21/12/06 09:37:11 Gmail accessed
21/12/06 10:52:09 Shrewsbury and City of Malden websites visited
21/12/06 12:53:54 wifilocator.exe prefetch file
21/12/06 13:33:59 Restore Point.que files
21/12/06 13:44:00 Restore Point.que files
21/12/06 13:52:13 Pornographic images appear with no origin and continue for approximately one hour; sites include lolitas, urinelove and scat sites
21/12/06 14:28:42 Restore Point.que file
21/12/06 14:32:15 desktop.ini files
21/12/06 14:51:53 END ACTIVITY
27/12/06 11:18:28 Spencer Mass website
27/12/06 11:29:25 Unknown htm files appear – CAG5EF8H.htm, CA2FPRK2.htm, CALNOAJ9.htm, CAYXDTID.htm
27/12/06 11:29:53 Pornography images begin appearing with no origin
27/12/06 11:30:09 Restore Point.que files
27/12/06 11:31:31 Pornographic images appear from scat site
27/12/06 11:33:53 Ert.jar zip file – ACTIVITY ENDS
27/12/06 12:04:00 Restore Point.que file
27/12/06 14:01:52 Restore Point.que file
27/12/06 14:16:53 Restore Point.que files
27/12/06 14:25:56 Windows Media Player prefetch file
27/12/06 14:35:01 Pornographic images appear with no origin
27/12/06 14:37:36 Restore Point.que files
27/12/06 14:38:16 taboomoviej10-3 prefectch file
27/12/06 14:41:45 Pornographic images appear with no origin and continue for approximately 30 minutes; sites are scat and urine
27/12/06 15:08:15 END ACTIVITY
06/01/07 14:11:25 Restore Point .que files
06/01/07 14:14:17 SMS.exe prefetch file
06/01/07 14:19:02 Begin Internet activity related to real estate
06/01/07 14:38:21 End Internet activity related to real estate
06/01/07 15:08:03 Symantec log reports Drivecleaner
06/01/07 15:22:25 index[8].htm – Nymphets web page appears
06/01/07 15:34:50 index[1]1.htm – Little Nymphets webpage (page pops out of FTK indicating it is a downloader)
06/01/07 15:39:46 Restore Point .que files
06/01/07 15:59:47 Restore Point .que files
10/01/07 09:20:17 Restore Point .que files
10/01/07 09:42:21 Pornographic images appear with no origin
10/01/07 11:51:11 Pornographic images appear with no origin
10/01/07 12:16:43 Windows Media Player prefetch file
10/01/07 12:19:30 Taboomovie9tr0-1 MPEG prefetch file
10/01/07 12:35:11 rundll32.exe prefetch file
10/01/07 14:26:47 Pornographic images appear with no origin
10/01/07 14:54:51 Pornographic activity ends
11/01/07 09:52:06 Restore Point .que files
11/01/07 09:53:01 Pornographic images appear with no origin and continue to appear sporadically for approximately one and a half hours
11/01/07 10:58:11 Restore Point .que files
11/01/07 11:03:12 Restore Point .que files
11/01/07 11:09:31 Pornographic activity ends
08/02/07 12:12:15 Gmail
08/02/07 12:14:26 Vision Appraisal website
08/02/07 12:15:13 Massachusetts Tax Assessors website
08/02/07 12:17:35 Restore Point .que files
08/02/07 12:19:05 City of Brockton Assessors website
08/02/07 12:20:41 Pornographic images appear with no origin
08/02/07 12:44:00 Multiple html pages appear with no content and “Service Temporarily Unavailable” – this is indicative of the Feebs Family virus; web pages are being created at the rate of 20-40 per minute
08/02/07 12:54:10 Pornographic activity ends
08/02/07 12:56:00 Symantec log reports downloader
08/02/07 13:03:31 Nymphets website appears and activity ends
08/02/07 13:27:42 Sovereign Bank website
08/02/07 13:54:43 Sovereign Bank website
08/02/07 14:02:09 Restore Point .que files
08/02/07 14:07:45 Pornographic images appear with no origin and continue for approximately one hour
08/02/07 15:09:11 Pornographic activity ends
14/02/07 09:38:50 Website for Massachusetts Government Gmail
14/02/07 09:39:31
14/02/07 09:45:34 Website for Acushnet, MA
14/02/07 10:44:58 login to CMS
14/02/07 10:45:07 login to CMS
14/02/07 10:53:10 login to CMS
14/02/07 11:01:01 Gmail
14/02/07 11:05:22 Google search results page – “nymphey bbs”
14/02/07 11:05:41 website – pornography images appear and continue for 10 minutes
14/02/07 11:05:56 Drivecleaner
14/02/07 11:15:11 Google search results page – “nymphets bbs”
14/02/07 12:32:45 Restore Point .que files
14/02/07 12:33:40 Gmail
14/02/07 12:35:40 Google search page appears – “nymphets tpg”
14/02/07 12:39:54 Google search page appears - “nymphets tpg”
14/02/07 12:40:22 Google search page appears – “nymphets tpg”
14/02/07 12:40:53 login to CMS
14/02/07 12:40:58 login to CMS
14/02/07 12:41:28 Website appears – best rape sites
14/02/07 12:43:29 MSN search page appears - “sun Lolita BBS”
14/02/07 12:43:45 Drivecleaner
14/02/07 12:44:30 barelylegal[1].htm
14/02/07 12:44:34 preview[1].htm
14/02/07 12:45:11 gallery1[1]1.htm
14/02/07 12:45:17 gallery1[1].htm
14/02/07 12:45:43 login to CMS
14/02/07 12:45:47 movie1[1].htm
14/02/07 12:45:54 Search page appears - “12 year old model bbs”
14/02/07 12:47:07 Google search page appears - “non nude pre teen sites”
14/02/07 12:48:29 fetishcon[1].htm – beginning of scat websites
14/02/07 13:23:44 Scat pornography ends
14/02/07 13:24:55 login to CMS
14/02/07 13:25:34 login to CMS
14/02/07 13:30:46 restore point activity
14/02/07 13:39:24 login to CMS
14/02/07 13:41:34 login to CMS
14/02/07 13:41:50 login to CMS
14/02/07 13:41:57 restore point activity
14/02/07 13:58:59 Google search page appears – “preteen nonnude”
14/02/07 13:59:04 Google search page appears – “preteen non nude”
14/02/07 13:59:44 myinceststories.htm
14/02/07 14:02:58 index[1]3.htm – drivecleaner
14/02/07 14:03:47 search[2]2.htm – Google search “preteen incest storys”
14/02/07 14:06:42 search[1]15.htm – Google search “preteen incest stories”
14/02/07 14:07:52 search[6]7.htm – Google search “pedophile fiction incest stories” results 1-10
14/02/07 14:08:06 search[7]4.htm – Google search “pedophile fiction incest stories” results 41-50
14/02/07 14:12:13 installdrivecleanerstart[1].ext
14/02/07 14:12:51 [2].htm – drivecleaner
14/02/07 14:15:24 search[1]7.htm – Google search “free incest pictures” results 81-90
14/02/07 14:15:49 search[7]1.htm – Google search “incest taboo” results 1-10
14/02/07 14:17:11 incest[1].htm – incest website – pops FTK like a downloader
14/02/07 14:37:11 porn activity ends
14/02/07 14:38:42 END ACTIVITY
14/02/07 19:36:54 VBN finds downloader
14/02/07 19:42:03 search[4]4.htm – Google search for “cartography”
14/02/07 19:45:21 out[5].htm – top
14/02/07 19:46:03 restore point activity
14/02/07 19:52:11 nymphets_land_gallery_3[1].htm
14/02/07 19:54:43 porn ends
14/02/07 19:56:06 Symantec services shuts down – system shut down
08/03/07 11:50:58 Real Estate websites
08/03/07 11:55:28 Best website – School girls and child models
08/03/07 11:58:21 search page – “preteen models”
08/03/07 11:59:47 Restore Point .que files
08/03/07 12:00:46 7[2]1.htm – “requested URL/bng/7.jpg was not found on this server” – pornographic images continue for approximately 40 minutes
08/03/07 12:37:59 search results – “code help myspace”
08/03/07 12:38:06 search results – “help desk services”
08/03/07 12:38:13 Looksearch home page
08/03/07 12:38:14 CA67EN2D.htm page appears
08/03/07 12:38:25 Forbidden Lolitas Pictures website
08/03/07 13:02:13 Login to CMS
08/03/07 13:02:27 Login to CMS
08/03/07 13:07:48 Login to CMS
08/03/07 13:07:55 Login to CMS
08/03/07 13:20:49 Google search results – “pet show in ri”
08/03/07 13:21:02 Google search results – “ri convention center”
08/03/07 13:21:56 Google search results – “dunkin donuts center ri”
08/03/07 13:25:40 7[3]1.htm – “The requested URL /bng/7.jpg was not found on this server”
08/03/07 13:29:53 7[1]12.htm – “The requested URL /bng/7.jpg was not found on this server”
08/03/07 13:31:22 Best Pay Lolita Porn Sites
08/03/07 13:34:28 search results – “social studies activities”
08/03/07 13:34:31 search results – “what is divorce”
08/03/07 13:38:37 Lolita Gallery website
08/03/07 13:41:27 big[2]1.htm – “The requested URL / new/classic-cpinfo/thumbs/big.jpg was not found on this server” – pornographic images continue for approximately 30 minutes
08/03/07 14:17:24 Netster home page
08/03/07 14:17:42 search results – “spyware removal tool”
08/03/07 14:18:22 Google search results – “nymphets”
08/03/07 14:39:10 Pornographic activity ends
08/03/07 15:27:21 Spiritair website